My name is Daniela and I am studying Law and Business at the historic Greenwich campus. I am from Ghana, where I have lived my whole life, until last year, when I decided to come to university in the UK. Why did I decide to leave my friends, family and everything familiar to study here? Well, I felt that there were more opportunities, better facilities and a wider variety of choices when it came to studying and work-and I was right! I also needed a change in environment and also to escape the watchful and protective eyes of my older brothers. The latter has not really changed. In fact, it is worse now.
I chose to study at the University of Greenwich because I heard good things about its Law and Business schools, its location and its healthy variety of people from different backgrounds.
To be honest, I really miss home, the constantly spicy food and the ever present, never failing heat and sunshine; but I can confidently say that choosing to come to this place where the sun seems to have lost its heating capabilities and has such, become just a decoration in the sky, was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I will give you a lot of reasons why this is so, in the posts that will follow. In the meantime, I’ll just tell you a bit more about myself; because I like to talk about myself, like everyone else does.....and because the title of this post is ABOUT ME. :P Hehe.
Sooo.....I like to read a lot (this has actually helped me in Law) and I’m into comedy, suspense-filled horror and crime fiction-same with movies. I write sometimes and I like to play the piano (I just bought a brand new keyboard, on some really heavy discount..yaayy!). The only sport I do is swimming, which I haven’t done in about two years; and the only exercise I do is walking to the bus stop and sometimes climbing the King William stairs instead of taking the lift. The King William stairs are found in the King William building on the Greenwich campus, where I have my law and business lectures, which are on the fourth floor; so it is a pretty good exercise.
I also like to sleep; and that is exactly what I am going to do now; so goodbye...Lol, I’m joking-I’m not going to just leave you hanging like that; but I do have to stop here for now, or else I’m going to start rambling and then you are going to fall asleep...and so it’s goodbye for now! See you in my next post!