
Thursday, 26 July 2012

50 Shades of Monotonous

So after all the hype about E.L James’ trilogy, I finally decided to find out what all the fuss was about. To be honest I found Fifty Shades of Grey very interesting and intense…James managed to describe things I wouldn’t dare mention…HOWEVER, when I moved on to the second book, I started to get a bit bored.

It was almost the same as the first book…I mean the intensity and vivid descriptions were still there but there was nothing new or exciting anymore…I just knew what to expect as I flipped the pages. We all get interested when discussions are raised about sex; but really, is that all there is to life? What about comedy and suspense?

I stopped reading it, and now I have moved on to Godplayer by Robin Cook…and it is so far quite enjoyable. J

In other news, the sun finally decided to show its face again after weeks of rain and wind and we have made use of it. We (members of the Clearing team) had a lovely picnic after work and a game of rounders. It was really fun! This weekend, some friends and I are having a BBQ-It is probably not going to be as hot as the last couple of days-it might even rain; but there’s no stopping us!

I have been working all week so there is not much happening in my life but I do hope everyone else is having a restful/fun/profitable summer!


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

How Not to Date

Imagine my disappointment when after three weeks of talking to a guy, we arranged a dinner date and his idea of a meal was KFC.

I mean KFC!! *Covers face* I do not have anything against KFC-don’t get me wrong…In fact I love KFC. However, taking a girl you have never met but claim to like, that is a definite no-no.

It all started when my very good friend decided to introduce me to this guy, let us call him D. D and I got along quite well over the phone, so we agreed to meet up. The thing is, D decided to call it a DATE. D made me choose what we would do, what time to meet and where to meet-he left all the work for me.

…So I told him to meet me in Marble Arch, with the hopes of going to a nice Lebanese restaurant there. I got dressed up in a smart-casual outfit, made sure my makeup was on point and went out to meet him. I looked good! ; )

15 minutes later than agreed, D finally showed up in a pair of scruffy jeans and hooded sweater, not looking at all like anyone who was supposed to be on a date. I, being a tolerant and patient person decided not to dwell on his lateness and dressing and went on with the “date”.

I started walking towards the Lebanese restaurant, when D suddenly turned and entered KFC….without even asking me where or what I wanted to eat! o_0

So here’s me, all dressed up for a date…in KFC. I did not eat. I just lost all appetite. What ever happened to first impressions?!

Anyway after dinner, we went to see a movie. Well, he saw the movie while I spent half the time trying to get his hands off my thighs or around my shoulders…*shudder*… Now I’m no prude, and I know how guys think, BUT come on, what dude thinks I’m going to allow him to get intimate after being treated to a KFC???? Needless to say, he did get an elbow in the ribs as a deterrent. Well he actually got a few elbows before the ‘’date’’ ended!

Morale of the story … guys if you claim to really like a lady, make an effort and treat her like a lady!