
Sunday, 25 December 2011


Hahahaha! The picture above is hilarious!!! “I don dey prepare for this day” That’s the Nigerian way of saying “I have been preparing for this day”. Hahaha...this turkey is definitely not one to be messed with!
Soo its Christmas!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! May you have a day full of fun and good memories and may the New Year bring you success and joy (and more energy for coursework and exams -__- ) Lol!

Yesterday, Christmas Eve was spent with a group of friends...we went out to see a movie-we were supposed to watch Mission Impossible; but we the girls managed to convince the guys to let us watch Puss in Boots...heheh...*singing Strength of a woman in Shaggy’s voice* The movie was pretty funny...after that, some of us went for a rave and the rest of us went home. I personally did not feel like getting dressed up in heels and all bed, duvet and half finished Toblerone looked more appealing and so that’s where I spent the rest of my evening.

Today, we are meeting up again for a big meal, drinks and dancing. I don’t want to say it is a party because we are not making it a big deal by dressing up and inviting loads of people but it more or less is...a small one at least. The burden of cooking is on one Gulp. This is some serious pressure.... I’m not a bad cook but I have never cooked for more than two people before so I’m a bit worried... just hope my cooking doesn’t flop today of all days. Lol

I really do miss being back in Ghana though; because going to Church there is so fun, especially on Christmas day...there’s so much up beat music and drumming and most people are not shy to show off their dance moves......I find Church here a bit dull in comparison, to be honest-no offence! =)
Anyway, unless it is by choice, I hope no one is alone during this festive season...if you are I’m sending you a big warm hug!!

Have fun, people!! Peace be unto y’all!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Time to start planning!

Hi there! Sooo, uni is finally over for this year, all coursework have been submitted (whew!) and it is time to start getting ready for Christmas. You can’t avoid it-that is what everyone is talking about! Cards and presents are already being exchanged and all that...hehe.

Unfortunately for me, most of my friends have gone, or are going back to their countries to celebrate Christmas (bummerL) ....but no worries! I still have a handful of people around and one of my brother’s in America will be coming over to spend Christmas with my other brother and me; so I’m sure we will still have a GOOD time without the others. :P

Talking about plans, I honestly don’t have any specific ones...I guess I’m just waiting for the others to finish exams and all that and then we will probably go with the flow...whatever happens, happens... :D

In more exciting news, Sherlock Holmes –A Game of Shadows is out today and a friend and I will be watching it tonight....I am so excited about it because I love the plot of Sherlock Holmes and I’m a fan of Robert Downey Jnr. as well. Will let you know how that goes. ;) Also, Misha B didn’t win the X-Factor!! O.O!! :’( I was rooting for her this whole time... *sigh* oh well!! At least it wasn’t that man (who I shall not mention, lest I get attacks on here)..looool

It’s getting colder and colder, as is expected and I have now come to terms with the fact that there’s nothing I can do about it...I’m not even going to think about the weather. I’m just going to enjoy the holidays as much as I can and I hope you do too! Later!!


Friday, 2 December 2011


Hello everyone!!
Soooo......I’m an auntie!!! Whoop whoop!! Got this exciting news recently and decided to share it...although I’ve got about nine other nephews and nieces (due to my rather numerous older brothers and sisters) a new life brought into this world is something to celebrate. So let’s!
  ....Just that I’ve got Soooo muchhh work to doooo!! Oh. My. Goodness. O.O
It’s just coursework after coursework and assignments after assignments.....not to talk of trying to get my head around each topic BEFORE doing the coursework.  As we draw closer to the end of the year, this is to be expected; especially since I am in my second year...but I find myself feeling excessively tired by the end of each week....I’ve had a few periods of illness as well-so that didn’t really help. Thank you Mr and Ms Lecturers; I know it is all for the greater good. J
Anyway, on a much brighter note; being the serious student that I am, (hehe)...
 ...I intend to finish my work on time so I can start planning for CHRISTMAS and the numerous birthdays coming up, without feeling guilty!! Whoop! Whoop! The lights are already up on the streets and I’ll be in the Christmas mood soon...That’s something to look forward to. :D  
Well, I hope you are all also looking forward to the holidays and doing what you can to ensure a stress-free, fun-filled one; that is, doing your work on time....and with that, I’m off to go discuss diminished responsibility and criminal liabilities.

Monday, 14 November 2011

The Nose Knows...

 This title has to do with only about one percent of this post. I just had to make a comment. First of all, I hate my sensitive nose....I was going to uni today, and as usual, went on the soon as I sat down, this horrible smell hit me SMACK! Right in the face. I thought there was something wrong where I was sitting but I could still smell it after I moved.....I had a two-minute heart attack, thinking something must have gone terribly wrong with my shower gel/lotion/perfume....but after (discretely) smelling myself and seeing someone giving me a knowing smile, I felt safe wasn't me (in Shaggy’s voice). There was something in the a way to start my day....

Aaaannnyyywwaaayyyy, uni has been fine since the last post; I’m just having a little trouble getting my head around one topic in Contract Law....that means extra studying for me...I wish we had coursework every week (I know I’m getting hateful looks now) loool but they do help me grasp a concept I don’t understand...also, I saw this somewhere and I found it very relevant to my life as a student and so I thought I should share it: 

Oh Criminal Law lecturer recommended this new series; “The Jury”....I watched it, and was immediately addicted,....It’s really good so if you are also interested in Law, you should check it out......Well, with that said, I do have to go and get some work done and so I will catch you all later! J (P.S Misha B or Marcus must win the X-Factor!) Ok.Bye.

Monday, 31 October 2011


No they were not. -_-  The Wicked Witch of The West made these shoes! When I first saw them, I fell in love; firstly because of its metallic gold-gray colour (not really clear in the photo), and secondly because they were on MASSIVE sale!! I tried them on and they felt alright....Little did I know that these shoes had other plans for me...
It’s not even the length of the heels that was a problem to me-I have shoes with much longer heels....these shoes tend to TIGHTEN at the front as you walk-I was thinking my feet had grown bigger overnight, till my friend, who is two shoe sizes smaller than me wore them. We didn’t even get to the bus stop and she took them off and walked back to the house barefoot to get other shoes....I made the mistake of making a 2-hour journey in these shoes and I think that has been one of my biggest regrets this year....I got back home with toes as red as Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer least, that night, I discovered that I have a high threshold for pain...I don’t even know if that’s a good
Anyway....The past 2 weeks have been sort of a roller-coaster ride for me...A lot of things seemed to be going wrong...and they were happening in succession! Argh!! I am a Christian though, so I prayed about it, talked to my mum (who is such a fabulous person) and tried to smile through it all...and on Friday, things started getting better! *whew!*  I know these sort of things happen to everyone....we all go through some things that make you just want to give up; but right before I started university, I learnt that life is not a bunch of roses; however it is also not always a dull cloudy day-the sun will definitely break through the clouds.....The UK weather is a perfect illustration of this..hehehe
Last week was reading week...this is when we have very few or no lectures at all and use the time to catch up on work and try to understand topics we didn’t understand. We combined students and the first year LLBs had coursework as well...that was our first assessment for this term....duh-dummm....
I worked really hard on this coursework; but I’m not really sure if the work I presented was good enough; but then again I’m never 100% sure of any work I submit till I get the, I hope I do really well in it, even though it only accounts for 10% of the total mark for the year-every little helps! I will let you know how I fared when I get it back....
October has gone by really quickly.....just one more day and then it’s November!!! One more day to my No Meat Challenge! One more day to extra cold conditions!! “yay”< --- A very sarcastic one....Oooh apparently,  its already snowing in 49 of the 50 states in USA (funky Florida is yet to be hit)...I hope it doesn’t snow here till Christmas day...lool...fingers crossed... :s
Happy Halloween guys! Happy Birthday to my friend Lale and Wishing all the Best to my best (and only) Clearing supervisor, Axel, who is leaving to Mauritius!!
...and until the next post, its bye for now.xoxo

Sunday, 16 October 2011

My lost Blackberry...

Hi people!
I felt so lost last week....and it was because Blackberry wasn’t working for about 3 was terrible! During those three days, I realised how much I depend on technology and how useless I felt without it-even if it was one small aspect. This is not a good thing...I’ve said it once before and I’m, going to say it again; technology has destroyed human relations. Back in the day, we would go visit friends, have sleepovers and all that; now, it is all about pings and skype, twitter and facebook. Lol...
Anyway, it is back so I feel much more connected to the world. Hehe...So I went to Birmingham for the birthday weekend (as I said I would in my previous post) and it was one memorable weekend! On Friday night, we went out clubbing and it was hilarious...we couldn’t get into the club we wanted to go into because some of the guys had on hoodies instead of proper jackets; and so we ended up in one less populated club. It wasn’t too bad-we made it fun for ourselves...and then we had some late night McDonalds...argued over who should get the big bed.....and ended up not sleeping at all till the sun came out..hehehe.....We had the house party on Saturday. My close friends were there...there was a lot of chicken, cake and drinks...and more chicken...yumm...and I met a lot of new people; some of them, really funny, and others, just....interesting...
It was a great weekend anyway, and then it was back to London and back to assignments on Sunday morning...phrrrrrr
The past week has been a blur; has just been uni and work and nothing too interesting has happened. It is getting colder and I am just dreading the coming winter (talking about winter, the weather reports said it was going to snow this October....what happened? Hehehhehe). It is already difficult as it is to get out of bed for lectures in the much more with temperatures in single digits? *can’t watch!* I need some serious motivation in the next few months....
As usual, I have some work to finish off and so I have to leave you here...there are more weekends coming up that I will be spending out of London and I’m going to tell you all about my experiences in these new places. Also, I have been thinking about staying away from meat for a month (no health reasons or anything sensible like that-I just want to see how much I can control myself), starting next month...I’m still thinking about it because as unbelievable as it may seem, that will be a real challenge for me....but we’ll see...
Until then, its au revoir!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Of course, I had to make it to second year! I put in so much effort last is such a relief that my efforts paid off. I have been in my second year for almost two weeks now and I am already loving it. I know it comes with more work; and I will need to put in even more effort this year, since this year counts towards my final degree; but I like the challenge and the fact that I no longer have to sit at home, watching paint dry (yes; my summer was quite boring).
Anyway, in these two weeks, I have already been bombarded with cases to read and use in assignments and debates and sometimes, between lectures, my friends and I feel so numb that we think we are going to fall asleep right in the middle of one of the walkways.
It is not all work and tiredness (a little bit of laziness too-I am still trying to come out of the holiday mood. Lool) though, in between lectures, my friends and I go and hang out at a restaurant or the student centre, play snooker (I’m yet to learn that) and have a nice, hot heavy meal and drinks. It’s pretty relaxing. Oh!  And did I mention that I got a job with the university!! Whoooohooooo!!!!
Hahaha! So I have work on Friday and then I’m off to Birmingham for the weekend for birthday celebrations of one of my close friends.  Its been a pretty good two weeks so far and I hope it stays that way. Well, I’m off to add some final touches to a two-minute debate I have been preparing for  and so its bye for now!

Saturday, 17 September 2011


After going through the hustle and bustle of trying to get visa issues resolved, paying my tuition and accommodation fees, trying to keep my room reserved, losing hope, gaining hope, I finally got to Greenwich.
A whole month late!
I was overwhelmed with stress, anxiety and worry, as I am someone who does not like to miss the first day of school. I had never been to the UK before and I did not know anyone in the university; and after I missed freshers’ week, induction and the first week of lectures, I thought, “This is it. My life is over.”  
Oh, but my life wasn’t over yet. It was just starting! When I got here, I emailed my personal tutor, letting her know that I had finally arrived (*1st piece of advice: try to get in contact with some of your lecturers/tutors before you start uni-it really helps) and she was so helpful! Within a week, I had completed my registration, found my lecture rooms and opened a bank account; within two weeks, I was already catching up with the rest of my tutorial groups.
 I will not lie and say it wasn’t stressful; because it was. However, I received so much support from the lecturers, student centre and random students I met on the campus that the stress was easy to bear and short-lived. I remember once, I was standing in the middle of one of the walkways, trying to figure out where the university cafe was on a map I was given. I was on the verge of frustration because I was starving (you know how I love my food) and my next lecture was in about half an hour...and then this angel flew down and showed me the cafe. was another new student who was having a laugh watching me turn the map like I was having a driving lesson. I made a friend through that and since then, things got much easier.  (*2nd piece of advice: do not be too shy or proud to ask for help; we all need help sometimes and there are people who are ever-willing to help.)
I have been here for 11 months so far and in these months, I have learnt to travel around on my own (I can call myself an expert, rented rooms by myself, gone for a couple of parties,  learnt how to drive, had interviews, got jobs and met quite a number of influential people.  I have become a more confident and time and money-conscious person because of the things Greenwich has exposed me to; I am still learning but I feel that I am gradually becoming a well moulded young woman.  It has been great so far.
A lot more of my experiences will be coming in up in the posts that follow; and so until then, its adieus!